
In this document we will look at how you can create product lists within the Icefloe portal. Product lists are groups of tours that you want to serve together, you may want to group these by location, tour type or some other metric. The portal makes this process incredibly quick and easy and you can be set up with several product lists in moments.

Why Are Product Lists Important?

When you are making your website, you will be prompted to enter your Bokun Keys at which point the portal will begin the process of importing your products. To help simplify the set-up of your website we also automatically create and add an All Tours page to your site which will give you product cards for all of your available products.

A product card is the visualisation of your product on your website. It will have an image that will be the cover image that you selected for that tour in bokun as well as a title and product exerpt also taken from Bokun. The product card will also display prices, tour length and a button to click to be taken to the page to purchase the tour.

For sites with a smaller number of tours this page may be sufficient to effectively display all the excursion options, but for larger suppliers you may end up with a very large page that requires a lot of scrolling to get through. By making product lists you can split your products up into more manageable chunks and group together tours of a similar type. This will help your customers find exactly what they are looking for thus increasing their chances of making a purchase.

How to Create a Product List

The Icefloe portal has been built with speed and convenience in mind, so we offer a product list creation system that will allow you to create a wide variety of product lists in a fraction of the time. We achieve this by utilising a tagging system that allows you to, in a few clicks, quickly add your products to product lists. We also support existing product lists from your inventory providers by importing this information when you add your bokun keys and automatically creating and applying tags to these products, so you don't have to do the same work twice.

To begin creating a product list navigate to your website dashboard. Once there you will see, in the navigation bar on the left hand side, an option called Products. Once you are on the products page you simply need to click the tours you would like to add to a product list and apply the relevant tag to them.