
This document will go over the main features of the website dashboard that you can find by accessing the websites via the organisation page. The website dashboard has a variety of tools for managing your website as well as building the content for those websites.

Dashboard Tour

The main navigation of the dashboard options takes place on the navigation bar on the left hand of the page. This is the quick rundown of the options included and what they do:

  • Dashboard: This option will take you to the main dashboard page which will give you an overview of your website. This page is perfect if you just need a quick glance at the latest updates.
  • Products: This option will bring you through to the product overview, this is where all your products can be found and managed. Information can be quickly imported from your inventory solution of choice, such as Bokun to speed up the process and then later edited directly from the CMS.
  • Pages: This option brings you through to the pages manager. Here you will find the various kinds of pages that make up your site and here you will be able to add new pages, edit existing ones and delete them if required.
  • Blogs: This option brings you to the central hub for managing your blog content. You will be able to add new blogs, edit existing blogs as well as delete blogs if you need to.
  • Settings: This option brings you through to the settings page for your website. Here you are able to control some of the main settings for the sits such as languages, currencies and currently active modules that the site is using.